WELD-AID is a manufacturer of 'CEBA' brand Ceramic Backing tape for last 25 years.

The product is useful to Boilers, Pressure Vessels mafrs., Shipyards, Silos and Tank mafrs., Pipe Line and Heavy Fabrication Industries. WELD-AID is a team of well qualified Metallurgists having thorough and vast experience in this field. WELD-AID just do not sell products but provide full technical support / consultancy to achive desired results.To implement 'CEBA' Weld Backing Tape we solve all practical problems on shop floor and site. WELD-AID supports to qualify 'Welding Procedures' as per applicable Welding Codes.

       'CEBA'-Ceramic Backing Tape                         'CEBA'- Aluminium Backing Tape                               'CEBA'-Fibre Glass Backing Tape 



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